1. Raby Castle
Meeting Point: Raby Castle
We begin the Big Smile in the magnificent grounds of Raby Castle. We follow a broad path through the grassy landscape where Red and Fallow Deer herds live wild. We pass the impressively maintained medieval castle, built between 1367 and 1390 by John Neville, the 3rd Baron Neville de Raby.
We wander through Ladywood and then up towards Raby Home Farm and then Shotton enjoying the beautiful countryside home to some superb flora and fauna.
Eventually, we leave the Raby estate and find ourselves heading over Cockfield fell, common land pock marked with evidence of human habitation including flint arrowheads dating back to 8000BC.
We skirt around Cockfield itself and back through the estate to finish back at Raby Castle in a wonderful start to the Big Smile Walks.
Distance: 20 km ( 12.47 miles)
Difficulty Rating: ★★★☆☆

Sponsored By: The Ramside Hall Hotel

1. Raby Castle
Meeting Point: Raby Castle
We begin the Big Smile in the magnificent grounds of Raby Castle. We follow a broad path through the grassy landscape where Red and Fallow Deer herds live wild. We pass the impressively maintained medieval castle, built between 1367 and 1390 by John Neville, the 3rd Baron Neville de Raby.
We wander through Ladywood and then up towards Raby Home Farm and then Shotton enjoying the beautiful countryside home to some superb flora and fauna.
Eventually, we leave the Raby estate and find ourselves heading over Cockfield fell, common land pock marked with evidence of human habitation including flint arrowheads dating back to 8000BC.
We skirt around Cockfield itself and back through the estate to finish back at Raby Castle in a wonderful start to the Big Smile Walks.
Distance: 20 km ( 12.47 miles)
Difficulty Rating: ★★★☆☆

Sponsored By: The Ramside Hall Hotel
Terms & Conditions of Entry
These Terms & Conditions of Entry serve as a contract between ‘the Organiser’; Walk & Talk Trust, Registered Charity number 1190409 of 41 Old Elvet, Durham, DH1 3HN, and ‘you / your’ as ‘the / a Participant’ ( as named on ‘the Registration Form’ and having paid ‘the Registration Fee’ )
‘the Event'. Each Stage walk of The Big Smile is deemed to be a separate Event. Full details of the Event are set out on ‘the Event Website’ – see individual Stage walk pages at www.bigsmileuk.co.uk
1. Entering the Event
1.1 This Event involves physical exertion. You must be satisfied that you are sufficiently healthy, fit and well prepared to take on your selected walk, and that you have no current or historical medical conditions which would, or should, or might, reasonably preclude your participation. If in any doubt you must consult your Doctor before completing the online Registration Form. You must declare any significant health conditions, or serious allergies, on the Questionnaire that we will send you by e-mail once you have Registered. You must also notify the Organiser should your medical condition significantly change, or deteriorate, prior to the Event.
1.2 You accept and agree that you will not arrive at the Event to take part unless you are well enough to do so, or if you are displaying any symptoms of any disease or infection that could reasonably be assumed to be of a danger to others associated with the Event. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse entry to the Event if in the professional opinion of its team, a Participant is not sufficiently well and healthy.
1.3 On the date of the Event you must be aged 18 or older to participate in the Event. Exceptions may be made only at the discretion of the Organiser.
1.4 You must sign-up to the Event via the online Registration Form and pay the appropriate Registration Fee ( as shown on the EventBrite booking system ). You will receive an email confirming your registration. The Registration Fee may be subject to promotional offers from time to time.
1.5 If a card payment made by you, or on behalf of you, in respect of the Registration Fee, fails or is blocked for whatever reason, at any time prior to the Event, your entry will be immediately cancelled. You will have to complete a new Registration Form and make a new appropriate payment to take part.
1.6 You accept the terms associated with the appropriate ‘Minimum Fundraising Target’, as set out on ‘the Event Website’ and per section 3. Fundraising
1.7 You agree to abide by any ‘Event Rules’ published on the Event Website and as updated and notified to you from time to time. You also accept that the Organiser has the absolute right to remove you from, or to preclude you starting within, the Event if they believe that your participation might, endanger other participants, its employees, its agents or any other third party that is rightfully associated with the Event, or if the Organiser reasonably believes that your presence may bring the Event’s reputation into disrepute, or may result in illegal activity.
1.8 You agree to abide by any reasonable guidelines that the Organiser may implement on the Event in respect of ‘social distancing’ and ‘hygiene procedures’ associated with minimising the likely spread of any infection or disease.
1.9 You agree to the Organiser contacting you via the post, email, phone, text message or other appropriate mechanism in respect of the Event, and you agree to supply the Organiser with information as may be reasonably requested from time to time in respect of your participation in the Event in an accurate and timely manner. You also agree that the Organiser may contact you via an appropriate mechanism in relation to other events operated by the Organiser for a two full calendar year period after the Event under its ‘legitimate interest’ in you as a customer, until such time that you request, by emailing the Organiser, that no further contact should be made.
1.10 You will always act responsibly, legally and with honesty in respect of your participation in the Event and during the time leading up to it and you will not bring the Event or the Organiser into disrepute through your actions.
1.11 You participate within the Event entirely at your own risk, and you understand and accept that participation within outdoor events involves inherent risks of injury, accident, exhaustion, dehydration, exposure to inclement weather conditions, potentially getting lost, and exposure to other participants and third parties who may well not fully respect any social distancing or hygiene guidelines that have been communicated and implemented.
1.12 The Organiser reserves the right to use photographs or video type footage taken on the Event that may include you for digital marketing, on-line material, print marketing, and advertising.
1.13 You agree that any relevant details obtained by the Organiser’s Team whilst you are on the Event, and in respect of any care that was given to you whilst on the Event, can be recorded for the purposes of the Organiser contacting you after the Event to check on your well-being, and to produce any operational information relating to the Event that may be reasonably required
2. Event Information
After registering, you will be e-mailed with further appropriate information from time to time in the lead up to the Event. It is your responsibility to read and act promptly upon the information supplied and updated from time to time.
3. Fundraising
3.1 By registering you make a commitment to the Organiser to reach a ‘Minimum Fundraising Target’ of £99. Your fundraising will be for the sole benefit of the Walk & Talk Trust and the Charity alone will determine how your funds are deployed within its charitable activity.
3.2 We would normally expect that at least 50% of your Minimum Fundraising Target ought to have been reached some 3 weeks prior to your Event date.
3.3 If you are unable to meet, or there is no prospect of you meeting the Minimum Fundraising Target, you are required to notify the Organiser as soon as possible. The Organiser reserves the right to preclude you from the Event without refunding your Registration Fee.
3.4 The cost of you taking part in the Event is the Registration Fee which is subject to the ‘Cancellation Policy’ as set out on the Website. The Registration Fee for 2021 Events is outlined on your Eventbrite purchase receipt.
3.5 After Registration, the Organiser will instruct you as to how to set up your personal JustGiving account.
3.6 All fundraising monies should be paid via your JustGiving.com account. Donations are automatically sent to the charity on a weekly basis.
3.7 JustGiving will only act upon the charity’s instruction and permission in relation to refund requests. So, if your Event is cancelled or if you do not participate in it for any reason, you should let those who have donated to your page know what has happened and ask if any of them would like a refund. Most of your supporters will probably be happy for the funds to still go to the charity. If anyone would like their donation refunding, then simply write to the charity and enclose all relevant details. The charity will then send a refund request to refunds@justgiving.com
3.7 Should you not be able to take up your place on the Event, or chose not to for whatever reason, the Registration Fee is subject to the Cancellation Policy detailed on the Event Website.
4. Itinerary changes
4.1 The route and itinerary for the Event are as set out on the Event Website. The Organiser reserves the right to make reasonable changes at any time to ensure that the Event is operated safely and responsibly. Should there be a significant and material change prior to the Event taking place, which is not a result of a force majeure type circumstance (and this does not include any reasonable change to the applicable route in any circumstances) then the Organiser will inform you as soon as is practicable and you may either agree to proceed with the new itinerary, transfer your place to another equivalent event operated by the Organiser, or cancel your participation in the Event in which case you will receive an appropriate refund of any Registration Fee paid. The arrangements for any refunds to fundraising donors are detailed in section 3.7
4.2 In force majeure type circumstances, the Organiser shall not be liable for any delay or being prevented from performing its obligations of providing the services and itinerary if such delay or prevention is caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control; including, but not limited to: an act of God, flooding, abnormally inclement weather, terrorism, civil disturbance, military operation, epidemic, quarantine, accident, failure of power supply, railway cancellation or disruption, ferry cancellation of disruption, airline cancellation or disruption, strike, lockout, trade dispute, unwarranted withdrawal of any licence or permit by any competent authority, and any other events including emergencies and non-emergencies that could not have been reasonably foreseen by the Organiser. In such force majeure circumstances, which result in an itinerary change the Organiser is not obliged to refund the Registration Fee if you choose not to take up your place, or you are unable to do so.
4.3 The Organiser does not make any payments compensating for losses or other costs you incur in the case of an itinerary change, and it does not accept liability for any delays in your travel or Event departure arrangements, or for any reasonable and proportional changes to the Event itinerary in circumstances of Force Majeure.
5. Changes or Requests made by you
Any change that you are requesting must be notified by you to the Organiser by email. The Organiser will always try to accommodate reasonable change requests; but some changes requested may not be possible or may incur an administration fee which you will be advised of at the time before electing to precede with the change.
6. Cancellation by the Organiser
6.1 The Organiser reserves the right to cancel the Event for any valid operational reason, in which case an appropriate refund of the Registration Fee you paid will be made
6.2 In force majeure type circumstances, as described in section 4.2, which result in the cancellation of the Event, the Organiser is not obliged to refund the full Registration Fee, however depending on the time-line involved and the specific circumstances, the Organiser agrees that it will consider making an appropriate refund, or offer a transfer to another event, or offer a credit note, having taken into account any sunk and non-recoverable costs that the Organiser has incurred, or will incur, and are related to your place on the Event, up to the point of cancellation, and in all instances the Organiser reserves the right to charge an ‘administration fee’ equivalent to the Registration Fee.
6.3 The Organiser will not make any payments compensating for losses or costs you may incur in the case of cancellation of the Event, and we exclude and limit all such liability to the full extent permitted under law.
6.4 If the Event is cancelled, the arrangements for any refunds to fundraising donors are detailed in section 3.7
7. The Organisers’ obligations to you
7.1 The Organiser will provide appropriate medical kits to the Walk Leader team who are First Aid trained. Genuine medical emergencies will be referred to the appropriate Emergency Services. We recommend that participants consider bringing their own small personal medical kit and that they follow all the equipment and clothing advice issued.
7.2 The Organiser is not obliged to provide food and water on the Event. It is the responsibility of the Participant to remain fed and hydrated. We recommend that participants follow any nutritional advice issued.
7.3 The Event is a Guided Event. As such the route will not be signed and route maps will not be issued. The Walk Leader team will have GPS equipment, maps, compass, mobile phone etc and will ensure that, under normal circumstances, the Participant group(s) stay reasonably together and that they do not get lost. If a participant, against advice, leaves the group and heads off on their own or with others, they will be deemed to have accepted total responsibility and all of the Organiser’s responsibilities in relation to their participation will end immediately.
7.3.1 We recommend that all Participants carry a fully charged mobile phone whilst on the Event.
7.3.2 If a participant is struggling and wants to drop-out of the Event, the Organiser’s Team will attempt to organise and facilitate this, but they must always also consider the safety of all other participants.
7.3.3 Anyone who has concerns about their ability to complete an Event should, ideally, discuss this with the Organiser’s team prior to Registration – or if something has changed since Registration, discuss it with the team in the lead up to the Event.
7.3.4 We will ask all participants to complete a Questionnaire post Registration which will include provision of full details of “Who To Contact” in case of emergency.
7.4 The Organiser accepts liability for negligent acts and/or omissions by its employees, agents and suppliers whilst acting within the scope of, or in the course of their employment in the provision of any part of the Event that we are contractually obliged to provide. The Organiser will therefore pay such damages as may be awarded under English law.
7.5 The Organiser excludes and limits all other liability to the extent permitted under law and damages are not payable where any failure to perform the contract is due neither to any fault on the part of the Organiser or a supplier of any part of your arrangements associated with the Event, or is attributable to you or unforeseen or unavoidable actions of a third party unconnected with the provision of services associated with the Event, or a force majeure circumstances beyond the Organiser’s control.
8. Insurance
You agree to read and abide by any Event Insurance Advice that might be issued and you accept that Personal liability and Personal Accident Insurance is NOT included in the cost of the Event.
9. Law and Jurisdiction
These Terms & Conditions of Entry shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Any dispute which may arise between the parties concerning these terms and conditions shall be determined by the English Courts.
Walk & Talk Trust
April 2021
Cancellation Policy
Please check below to see if you are eligible for a refund of your Registration Fee based upon circumstances & your time-line.
If you, the Participant, cancels your place on your chosen Event
Refund of Registration Fee
Up to 7 days after Registration = Full refund of Reg Fee
Thereafter = 50% refund of Reg Fee
Unless within 30 days of Event = £ Nil refund
Transfer of Entry to A N Other named & willing Participant [ only once the New Participant has paid ]
Up to 7 days after Registration = Full refund of Reg Fee
Thereafter = 50% refund of Reg Fee
Unless within 30 days of Event = £ Nil refund
Transfer of Participant entry to a different available Event [ only once new entry Reg Fee paid ]
Up to 7 days after Registration = Full refund of initial Reg Fee
Thereafter = 50% refund of initial Reg Fee
Unless within 30 days of Event = £ Nil refund of initial Reg Fee
If we, the Organiser, make a change
Simple Itinerary changes ( to route and / or timings ) for any reason = No refund
Significant Material change ( to location and / or date ) or cancellation other than for Force Majeure Events
= Full refund -
Significant Material change ( to location and / or date ) or cancellation for Force Majeure Events = No refund
All refunds will be made by Bank Transfer within 8 weeks of the later of
Acceptance of Cancellation, or
Confirmation of Refund value, or
Provision of participant’s relevant bank details
Walk & Talk Trust
April 2021